We will never use stock photography to represent ourselves.
We are proud to say that all photography on our website is taken on location from actual job sites, at the homes and businesses of our valued, satisfied customers.
Square feet of stone restored last year
Projects completed last year
Years of combined experience
If we haven't restored your stone already,
we have restored one just like it.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Changing the Finish on Granite
We just completed a project in Calgary at a downtown commercial office building tenant floor. The existing polished granite floor’s gloss finish was causing a grid pattern reflection that was not acceptable to the building’s Property Director. We w...
Concrete Polishing Tables
We recently in Ottawa restored some outdoor concrete patio tables. Upon removing the old, yellowed and discolored coatings, we restored the finish and protected it with a specially formulated masonry cleaner. Please refer to the before and after photos. ...
New Stone Countertops
We recently were endorsed by Devonleigh Homes Inc. as a trusted and experienced service provider for the care and maintenance of natural stone floors and countertops; walls and vanity tops, etc. As many natural stone surfaces ar...
Maintaining Polished Granite in a Commercial Office Building
Our ongoing maintenance of polished granite in the common areas of a commercial office building. ...
Restored Vanity Top
We recently completed the restoration of a bathroom vanity top involving polished limestone. All restorations conclude with the application of an impregnating sealer. ...
Elevator Lobby Restoration
We recently completed a floor restoration of polished marble at a condo residence elevator lobby. ...