We will never use stock photography to represent ourselves.
We are proud to say that all photography on our website is taken on location from actual job sites, at the homes and businesses of our valued, satisfied customers.
Square feet of stone restored last year
Projects completed last year
Years of combined experience
If we haven't restored your stone already,
we have restored one just like it.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Slate Restoration
We recently completed the restoration on a slate floor in the exterior of a residence in Toronto. The floor had been stained by rust and mortar residue and had lost it’s luster. The process included a thorough cleaning followed by an application of a spe...
issues With Honed and Light Colored Stone
We recently completed a commercial restoration project in Toronto where we ran across some challenges in keeping the honed white marble floor clean at all times, where heavy traffic occurs on a daily basis. When dealing with a honed floor, low sheen, yo...
Why Marble and Limestone Might Be Wrong For Your Bathroom
Marble and Limestone are soft stones and therefore very absorbent. If you were to dye your hair in a shower finished with these stones, the dye could stain the shower floor. Many people choose a durable porcelain tile to compliment marble/limestone for this ve...
Concrete Polishing Commercial
We recently completed a commercial concrete restoration project in Toronto. The before and after pictures capture the effects of the process. Our website goes into detail explaining our approach to concrete polishing.
Condominium Elevator and Lobby Restoration
We recently completed in Toronto an elevator lobby restoration including polishing the travertine floor. Renewing interior finishes in your condominium is critical to its success. The curb appeal of the building, right up to the door of your suite, is importan...
Exterior Limestone Cleaning
Some Limestone’s weather endurance qualities are well-known and respected, and its resistance to damage from the common accumulation of dirt and soil carried in urban atmospheres has been proved through years of use in all types of buildings. There are,...